Monday, March 19, 2018

Colby Art Museum, March 16th 2018

We had another fantastic trip to the Colby College Museum of Art last Friday. This was our fourth time going to the museum, and it's a highlight of the school year for all of us. Mrs. Polizotto, Ms. Devin and I accompanied 41 students for the day, viewing exhibits, creating "draw-bots" in the museum studio, working together on an "engineering challenge" and even getting to eat the delicious food in one of the dining halls. Colby is so generous with the programming they offer Maine schools. They feed us, lead us in engaging activities and even pay for the bus transportation. It's a tremendous opportunity for the students of RSU 1. 

The "draw-bot" activity had students incorporate an electric motor with an offset weight attached to its shaft, causing the contraption to vibrate. The resulting images were randomized trails left behind by the robots. This got me thinking... Since I teach LEGO Robotics, I thought it might be intesting to explore creating robots that draw mathematical equations and algorithms. Mathematical statements can be used to control the motion and power of motors, and the robots can drag sharpie markers attached to their body. It will be an interesting interdisciplinary experiment. I'll try and build one myself before asking the kids to try. 

Again, thanks to The Colby Museum of Art for welcoming us to their amazing facility, year after year. Who knows what these kids will take away from their exposure to inspiring works of art, the creative activities and even the experience of walking around a college campus? I am grateful they have this opportunity.